Homework Pulse

Welcome to Homework Pulse

Introducing Homework Pulse, an innovative app designed to empower education by connecting teachers and parents through a seamless digital platform.

Homework Pulse focuses on streamlining homework management and communication to create a more collaborative, efficient learning environment for all.

Download App on Google and iOS app stores.

Key Features

Teacher-Parent Communication

Share homework with parents in the form of text, voice notes, images, and documents. Keep everyone informed and engaged.

Subject-Specific Classrooms

Teachers can create classrooms for specific subjects and share an invite code with parents. This allows for a more organized and focused communication experience.

Approval System

Teachers have full control over approving or disapproving parent requests to join a classroom, ensuring a secure and private environment.

Multiple Teachers per Classroom

Admin teachers can invite other teachers to join a classroom, allowing for collaboration and flexibility in sharing subject-specific homework.

Calendar Integration

Assign homework with specific due dates, making it easier for parents and students to stay on top of deadlines.

Parental Management

Parents can install the app, add their children, and manage multiple students' homework from a single account.

User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy an intuitive, easy-to-use app that streamlines communication and encourages a more efficient education experience for teachers, parents, and students.